
Improvement Bottom-Up

In professional organizations the traditional Quality System (QS) behaves like a paper tiger. It is woken before an audit whereby it takes a lot of resources to be updated. Post audit it will go to sleep again. Thereby creating a sleep-wake cycle.

Improvements are often driven by management, while employees with the real knowledge about processes are working on the shop floor and do not get directly involved in improving the QS.
The QS is often not transparent and not up to date for the employees on the shop floor.
It’s manner and difficulty (often heard: “paper, writing and theory are handled by our specialists”) are constraining the traditional QS.

Empowerment by an external trainer/coach of all organization _DSC0011members by seeding of LSS toolbox provides added value.

Utilizing employees knowledge of common sense. Creating awareness for individuals makes everybody act more as a team. Starting with LSS projects has proven to be useful and practical in organizations.

The methodology of LSS is simple and easily gets support from everybody. Common goals and targets will work for the organization and for it’s customers and suppliers.

Linking of a traditional quality management system with continuous improvement activities and management on the shopfloor works.

Start now!

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